A 10 year veteran, Mantell Originally trained in San Antonio under Rudy Gonzalez and Sho Funaki. Currently he lives in Kansas City where he founded and works as a head trainer at the KC Pro Wrestling Academy.

Izzy James grew up in the punk rock community. Live concerts and mosh pits became part of his life at an early age.

From Skipperville, Alabama, Clay Roberts fights for every single person that’s been picked on and bullied. Having been bullied himself for over a year in a fight against Legion, Clay proved that you can always overcome the odds and slay your demons.

Ayden Cristiano has seen it all as one of the most respected and longest-tenured competitors in Reality of Wrestling. The pinnacle of his career was his 7-month reign as ROW Champion.

Cameron Cole was once someone fans couldn’t wait to see in the ROW. Now he’s someone ROW nation cant wait to see get thrown around the ring!

“The Bear from Bellaire” has gone through quite the transformation over the past few months. After a tour of Japan and run-ins with old foes in 2018, 2019 has proved to be the year of the Bear.

After giving Emilio his walking papers Jonathan Vega and la familia shift their focus back on what really matters.

Abel Andrew Jackson is the wrestling politician who’s taking politics out of wrestling. A ROW Hall of Famer who has worked in all of the major promotions, Abel is the face of reality of wrestling.

Former 3-time ROW Champion Gino Media is the ultimate measuring stick on the very competitive Reality of Wrestling roster. Even though he may not carry a championship at times, this man exudes excellence and competitiveness unlike anyone else.